El fanzine británico Bucketful of Brains elogiaba el debut de Cancer Moon desde las páginas de su n.º 34…
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EUROPEANS: It’s rare to recommend a Spanish band, but CANCER MOON‘s «Hunted By The Snake» (Polar Records PLP 001, LP) is great. The band is best described as a one-guitar version of Thin White Rope, they even have a song called «Desert In The Girl». Hard, dark & well laced with feedback – try «Call It Fear» or «Yellow Telephone» for size. Seething 6-string courtesy of Jon Zamarripa & Kyser-esque vocals by Jose Anitua; and fear not; your pals will never guess it isn’t a US band! (Contact: Promocion Y Marketing Discografico SA, Bailen 71, 08009 Barcelona).